Week of May20th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Communion      

This Sunday: Jesus’s Invitation

Primary Text: Exodus 12; I Corinthians 11:23-34; Luke 22:24 / John 13:34-35

  •  Read Exodus 12:1-14, 31,32 the story of the Passover. Discuss the physical deliverance the Israelites were freed from.
  • It’s no wonder that the disciples during the Passover had the minds on a physical deliverance. Talk as a group how the disciples and people of that day would have to unlearn or be open to a different kind of deliverance.  
  • Is there a circumstance where you prayed for some kind of deliverance but God showed up in a different way?
  • Jesus says, “Do this in remembrance of me.” What does Jesus’s spiritual deliverance mean in your life?
  • Communion is a practice done with others. When we identify with Jesus, we seek to follow Jesus. Read John 13:34-35.We cannot follow Jesus without loving others. Is there someone you are finding it difficult to love? Share in small groups of 2-3 and pray for these situations.