Week of September 16th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Perfect Peace in a Perfect Storm  

This Sunday: Get Out of the Cave  

Primary Text: I Kings 19:1-9

  • (Excerpt from Devotional – Day 1) Read 1 Kings 19:1-3 Elijah was afraid, and he ran. We might look at the story and think he had every reason to run since someone wanted to kill him. Fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It alerts us of danger and can motivate us to respond appropriately. Elijah was warned and he responded by fleeing to safety; so far, so good. But what happens next? Read the verses again, but this time, continue through verse 4. That escalated quickly! Instead of allowing fear to do the work of warning and motivating, Elijah let his fear completely redefine and shape his perspective. He moved from running to protect his life to wanting to give up his life. Notice he even begins believing a false narrative, “I am no better than my ancestors, I can’t go on.”

  • How can you relate? Has there been a situation in your life when worry took over?  

  • Read verses 5-9. It appears that lack of sleep and food contributed to Elijah’s state of mind. Besides these two factors, what circumstances can turn people toward negativity, judgment, worry, control, etc?   

  • What are common triggers for you?

  • After some food and sleep, Elijah could get out of the cave? What needed practices (practical and spiritual) are important for you to maintain faith and perspective? Go around the room and everyone share.

  • What activity or habit would you love to build into your routine and know it would help you?

  • How could you take a step towards it? How could you practice it?

Week of September 9th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Perfect Peace in a Perfect Storm  

This Sunday: Get Under God’s Hand

Primary Text: Isaiah 26:3, I Peter 5:5-11

  • In the past year, what have been your 1-2 biggest stresses/challenges?
  • Read I Peter 5:5-11. What attitude or virtue is Peter calling for us to put on when we experience anxiety?
  • Why is humility important when you are facing anxiety?
  • Is there a current challenge or stress in your life?
  • What are 1-2 practical ways you can humble yourself in the midst of this life challenge?
  • Sometimes, God parts the seas. Sometimes He offers an umbrella in the midst of the storm. And there are times, He builds character when the storm doesn’t seem to be letting up. For those facing a current life struggle, where are you seeing God’s might hand?
  • Does anyone need some support? How can the group support those going through a difficult time?  
  • Do you have a family member, friend or co-worker who has clinical anxiety or depression? These are real issues that may not be solved solely by prayer and scripture. How can you gain further understanding and be of greater support to someone who deals with one of these issues?  

Summer Guide - Developing Small Group Questions

Since many groups break from regular meetings during the summer, we will not be providing weekly small group discussion questions. However, if your group does want to meet, review the message and discuss, here are a few tips in making your own questions.

1. Generate 1-2 intro questions. The kinds of questions that get people talking, sharing personal experiences. These questions help the group to relate and understand one another.

2. Take time to read the scripture used in the message or find related scriptures.

3. Review the message outline. Consider the 2-3 main points of the message. Come up with two types of questions. The first type offers discussion on the meaning, the truth, or insight gained from a point or scripture. The second are application questions. What are we going to do about it? Sometimes people don’t want to get specific. However model by sharing personal application yourself. As a small group, it is the goal to grow in our faith and surrender to Christ, which is often practiced in loving and serving others. 

4. See posts from previous weeks. Scroll down to see the format of the questions.

5. Start the process by inviting God into it. Coming up with questions can be a spiritual exercise in of itself. You may find you grow more in preparing questions. That would be awesome!

Week of May28th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: A Call to Courage

This Sunday: A Call to Courage

Primary Text: Joshua 1:6, I Samuel 17, Judges 6, Acts 4

  •  What is the most courageous feat you’ve done or witnessed firsthand?  
  • Jack shared three biblical stories on Sunday. David and Goliath (1 Sam. 17), Gideon and Midian (Judges 6), and Peter and the Sanhedrin (Acts 4). Choose one story. Read and review the message notes from Sunday. Then discuss as a group.
  1. Why do we need courage?
  2. How do we lose courage?
  3. Where do we find courage?
  • What is your giant right now? What one insight you can take with you as you face your giant?


Week of May20th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Communion      

This Sunday: Jesus’s Invitation

Primary Text: Exodus 12; I Corinthians 11:23-34; Luke 22:24 / John 13:34-35

  •  Read Exodus 12:1-14, 31,32 the story of the Passover. Discuss the physical deliverance the Israelites were freed from.
  • It’s no wonder that the disciples during the Passover had the minds on a physical deliverance. Talk as a group how the disciples and people of that day would have to unlearn or be open to a different kind of deliverance.  
  • Is there a circumstance where you prayed for some kind of deliverance but God showed up in a different way?
  • Jesus says, “Do this in remembrance of me.” What does Jesus’s spiritual deliverance mean in your life?
  • Communion is a practice done with others. When we identify with Jesus, we seek to follow Jesus. Read John 13:34-35.We cannot follow Jesus without loving others. Is there someone you are finding it difficult to love? Share in small groups of 2-3 and pray for these situations.

Week of May13th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Mother’s Day     

This Sunday: This Time I will Praise Him

Primary Text: Genesis 29-30; I Samuel 1

  • Recall the message from two weeks ago on Senioritis. How does that message relate to the message Amy shared on Sunday?
  • Read Genesis 29:15-35; 30:19-20. Leah was stuck in a current reality searching for fulfillment in a future season. Her “future” fulfillment was children to achieve the love of a husband. Where are you stuck right now? What angst, frustration, disappointment or grief nags at you?
  • How long have you wrestled in this current reality?
  • How have you attempted to achieve peace or fulfillment?
  • What is your current attempt to achieve peace or fulfillment?
  • How do you know if your attempt is how God wants you to achieve peace/resolution?
  • Spend time in silent prayer for each other. Then pray out loud for one another. Seek to find rest and direction as you wait to find clarity.  In the midst of waiting, can you pray, “this time I will praise Him”?

Week of May 6th - Small Group Questions

May 6th

Current Series: Reactions to the Resurrection    

This Sunday: Senioritis

Primary Text: Acts 1:4-9

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point you remember?
  • Did you have “Senioritis” when you where in high school or college? Do you have a son or daughter, or someone else in your life who has caught the Senioritis bug?
  • Read Acts 1:4-9. Jesus told His disciples to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit who will help them during the next season. What was the question from the disciples?
  • Did the disciples have an accurate picture of the future? Was it the same as Jesus’?
  • Briefly share a time when your picture of the future was not accurate. Life didn’t go how you planned.
  • In thinking about the future, we can get stuck in a current reality. This season doesn’t matter because I’m off to the next one. What are the dangers in this thinking? List 4-5.
  • In same sex groups of 3-4, answer these questions. Are you stuck in a current reality longing for a different future?
  • If you are, what is the danger for you?
  • What might be 2-3 lessons God may want to teach you in this season?
  • Pray for one another.


Week of April 29th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Reactions to the Resurrection    

This Sunday: Comparison  

Primary Text: Luke 24:1-12, 24:36-41; John 20:29 and Matthew 5:4-7:27  

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point you remember from the message? 
  • Where were you when….talk about where you where and what your response was when a significant national (9/11, JFK shot, Challenger exploded, etc) event occurred? How did the event affect you?
  • Now consider an event where you were personally involved. Briefly share (1-2 minutes) of a significant personal event in your life. Go back around the room and describe how this event changed in one way.
  • Read Luke 24:13-35. Discuss how these men were affected by the news in Jerusalem of Jesus death.  
  • How did that event change for them after they encountered the risen Jesus?
  • Read Matthew 5:1-12. Instead of reading these as rules to follow, consider these verses as an invitation into the Kingdom. An invitation from Jesus to come and see – to follow Him. Have everyone pick out one verse that speaks to them. Share with the group.
  • Buddy up in the group. Write down each other’s verse and follow up sometime during the week. Has your buddy had an opportunity to practice this verse?
  • How has following Jesus increased your faith in Him?

Week of April 22nd - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Reactions to the Resurrection    

This Sunday: Brokenness  

Primary Text: John 18:1-5, 15-18, 25-27, John 21, Matt. 27:3-10  

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point God stirred in you?
  • Read the passages in Matthew 26 and 27 that pertain to Judas. List his actions. Consider his motivations.
  • Read the passages in John 18 and 21 pertaining to Peter. List his actions. Consider his motivations.
  • What do we learn about human nature from these two men? What do we learn about brokenness?
  • We can list the reasons that can lead someone to brokenness. What are common thoughts, emotions and actions that can lead us to remain broken? …to jump away from Jesus?
  • How about the other direction. Jumping toward Jesus as Peter did led him to forgiveness and restoration. What do you think propelled Peter to move toward Jesus?
  • Read Matt. 5:3-10 and 2 Cor. 12:8-10. Jesus says there is beauty in our weakness, poverty and meekness. He says that those who embrace these qualities will receive his Kingdom. Read aloud Matt. 5:3-10 again. Spend time in prayer asking God to show up in our lives through these qualities. Share and confess where you seek to guard and protect yourselves from exposing these “weak” qualities. Pray with faith that God would bless each of you as you surrender yourselves to Him.

Week of April 15th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Reactions to the Resurrection    

This Sunday: Pursuit

Primary Text: John 20:1-18

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point that you took from the message?
  • Give an example where you or someone you know has been in pursuit of someone or something. What qualities are present when one pursues?
  • Mary Magdalene pursued Jesus. In life and in his death, she pursued him. She enjoyed being in His presence. She was a better person because she was around Him. Think of someone you enjoy. What are 3-4 reasons why you enjoy being around this person?
  • Read John 20:1-2, 11-18. Mary is filled with emotion and grief because of Her closeness to Him. What are the most personal, the most significant reasons you pursue Jesus?  
  • Do you recall Cory’s Next Step Challenge? 60 minutes pursuing Jesus. If you have started the challenge, share your experience with the group. What have you done? Did you meet Jesus through your time with Him?
  • If you have pursued Jesus this week, what is one way you are different because of it?  

Week of April 8th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Reactions to the Resurrection    

This Sunday: Doubt

Primary Text: John 20:24-31  

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point that you took from the message.
  • Read John 20:24-31. What did Jesus say to Thomas when he appeared to him?
  • Share a time when you had a lot of doubt – was it over a big decision or was it directed at God? Explain to the group.
  • Jesus welcomes out doubts. He invites us to bring them to him. Yet we all have a choice to approach God or abandon God. Notice what Jesus tells Thomas after He has answered his doubts.
  • Jesus welcomes the doubts. Yet he also calls us to trust Him. How can we demonstrate trust while sorting out doubt?  
  • Who in your life is experiencing doubt? What can you do to help them in their doubt?
  • Quickly list out people in our lives and the doubt they are in the middle of. Pray for each of them.

Week of April 1st - Small Group Questions

Current Series: It Is Finished   

This Sunday: Part 2

Primary Text: John 19:30

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point that you took from the message.
  • Define atonement. Describe it as if you were explaining it to a 12 year old taking out the complicated words.
  • What do we need to believe about ourselves for atonement affect us in a significant way?
  • Why do you need atonement in your own life?
  • Atonement doesn’t mean much when we minimize sin. How have you minimized your own sin in the past?
  • What does atonement mean for you today? How do you treat your family, co-workers, friends differently because of this belief?  
  • Take some time to celebrate the message of Easter. Consider communion, singing a hymn, listening to a song, spending time in prayer focusing on praising Him.

Week of March 25th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: It Is Finished   

This Sunday: Part 1

Primary Text: Psalm 23

  • Discuss the message from Sunday. What is one point that you took from the message.
  • Read Isaiah 53. As you read, think about Jesus reading these verses. What might have been some responses that Jesus may have had?
  • As we approach Good Friday and Easter Sunday, respond to Isaiah 53:5, 7, 9, 10.
  • Discuss the story of Amy’s father needing surgery. What lesson did Amy and her father learn from it?
  • What delay are you in right now? Is God teaching you something through it?
  • Is anyone going to the Passion Experience? Pray for this event and for Easter Sunday. Pray for believers experiencing Easter once again. Pray for those who are distance from God.

Week of March 18th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23   

This Sunday: He Pursues Me  

Primary Text: Psalm 23 

  • Take time to remember the past messages in this series: My Shepherd, He Leads Me, He Guides Me Through, The Table, He Restores Me and so on. What is one way God has stirred your heart and caused you to action over the last 7 weeks? Have as many people share as willing. Take only one (or two) minutes per person and use a timer. Give a few minutes for people be consider their answer. This method can help people to summarize their thoughts and give the most impactful share to the group and avoid it turning into a 5-7 minute story that can cause the time to slip away.  

  • Read the Psalm 23 in its entirety. Consider a different method, a time of silence before, or extended group prayer to bring attention and openness to hearing God speak during the reading of this familiar Psalm.  

  • Consider a stressful period in your past. Did you think it was ever going to end? How did it affect your perspective during the situation?  

  • Recall the reference to leaving a trail of goodness? If we have received God's love and forgiveness, we display love and forgiveness. Where have you seen any of these examples in the lives of your family or others around you? A pleasant surprise, kindness, honor, generosity, compassion, diligence, humility. Go around and share some examples. 

  • Encourage the group to attend the Passion Experience on Friday from 4-8pm. Maybe even go through as a group and discuss shortly afterwards how God stirred you. Child care is provided for children (birth – Kindergarten) from 5-7pm. Families with children over Kindergarten are encouraged to go through with their children. Printed guides are available for children.  

Week of March 11th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23 

This Sunday: The Table  

Primary Text: Psalm 23:5

  • Read Psalm 23:5. What do you know of David and the enemies he faced?
  • What are the enemies our teens and twenties face today?
  • Consider other age groups. What are some enemies facing those in their 30-40s? How about the pre-retirees and those in retirement?
  • What are the enemies in your life that keep you from resting in the Shepherd’s care?
  • List the attributes of God that Doug shared on Sunday. (The list: shepherd, provider, healer, leader, protector, providence – His unseen hand)  
  • What attributes of God would help you as you face your current enemies?
  • Who is someone in your life you can talk through your current struggles and you can support in their struggles?
  • What spiritual practices in your life bring you to “The Table”?

Week of March 4th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23 

This Sunday: He Restores Me

Primary Text: Psalm 23:3

  • Where or how does God restore your soul?
  • When was the last time you visited this place or joined in this activity to meet God and be restored?
  • We are not meant to go through this life on our own. What decision or situation is prominent in your life right now? Can you trust the shepherd with it?
  • From the answers to the previous question, pray as a group for one another. 
  • Who in your life needs their soul restored? Take some time as a group to pray for those currently struggling with circumstances for their souls to be renewed.
  • What else has God been teaching you this week? Each person take 1-2 minutes to share.
  • What are you doing with it?
  • How can others in the group help you with it? 

Week of February 25th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23  

This Sunday: He Guides Me Through

Primary Text: Psalm 23:4

  • As a group, share a main point from the Sunday message.
  • Consider the messages in this Psalm series. Is there a phrase that has helped or is helping you? Share with the group. Here are a few: My Shepherd; even though I have wants, I will not be in want; in the midst of fear, friction, flies, famine, I overcome by being in the presence of the shepherd.
  • Read Psalm 23:1-4. What shift happens in verse 4? What verb does David use?
  • Consider an obstacle, a valley, a challenge in your life. What is one way you are walking through it? Go around the room and briefly share.
  • Sometimes in the darkest valleys, it is difficult to see light. Again in the midst of a valley in your life, where can you find hope?
  • What do you think Jesus is teaching you through this valley?
  • Consider a friend or family member who is in a valley. As a group, pray he/she may be refreshed with hope by the shepherd.
  • Is there a step you commit to take as you follow Jesus this week?

Week of February 18th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23  

This Sunday:  He Leads Me         

Primary Text: Psalm 23:2

  • As a group, share a main point from the Sunday message.
  • Describe your place of green pastures or quiet waters. Where is a place, or an environment, you often hear from God? Briefly share how God meets you in this place.
  • How can you support your group members, your friends or your family to go to their place of rest?
  • Cory shared four realities that keep us from experiencing the green pastures and quiet waters. Can you name them? (Fear, Friction, Flies, Famine) Which one has kept you from Him recently or currently?
  • Read Day 4 of the daily devotional together. Go around the room and answer the two questions posed? Half the group answer the first question. The other half answer the second one. Click here to see the devotional. www.lscckc.org/devotional 
  • Share with the group a thought or step you commit to take as you follow Jesus this week.

Week of February 11th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23  

This Sunday:  My Shepherd          

Primary Text: Psalm 23, II Cor 11:23-27; Phil 4:11-13  

  • Share a point or personal application from the Sunday message.
  • What keeps people (choose the demographic – teens, empty nesters, retirees, young families, suburbanites, church-goers) from trusting in the Shepherd?
  • Describe the situations in life when trusting in Jesus is difficult.
  • Share with the group a time when you trusted Jesus. What were you going through? Did He teach you something through it?
  • Read II Corinthians 11:23-27 and Philippians 4:11-13. How does reading the passage in II Corinthians affect your understanding of the verses Paul writes in Philippians?
  • In the devotional this week, we are invited to fast. Have you fasted? What did you learn through that spiritual practice? 
  • In groups of 2-4, when in your life, truth be told, that you felt like the Lord was not enough?
  • How did God show Himself to you during that time?
  • Is there a current circumstance you are not trusting in Jesus? Explain.

Week of February 4th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Psalm 23  

This Sunday:  The Lord is My Shepherd          

Primary Text: Psalm 23, Isaiah 40:11, 46:3-4

  • As a group, share the main points of the Sunday message.
  • How has God been good to you? Was there an experience or situation where you truly believed He was “my” shepherd to you?
  • Take a few minutes to quiet reflection. Lead the group to slow down, step out of the pressures and stresses of the world and quiet their souls. Read aloud Psalm 23 two times. Follow with five minutes of silence encouraging the members to meditate on a word or phrase. Ask the group to describe the experience. Let the Spirit lead you as you facilitate. 
  • Read Isaiah 46:4. God made you. You are of great value to Him. If the group has been together for some time, go around person to person, and have the other group members share godly qualities they see in him/her. Or have the group share 1-2 ways God has made him/herself that reflect Him.
  • Sheep have keen sense of vision and hearing. They learn the voice of their shepherd. Consider a Christ-follower who listens well to Jesus. How did they become such good listeners? How do you think that impacts their daily life, their relationships, their outlook?  
  • Is Jesus speaking about a direction He may want you to go or take a step towards some school, job, ministry opportunity, etc. Share with the group even if there is uncertainty about it.